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Event ID: E-8489
Event Code: s4e59
Dominant Plant Cover:
Landuse Description:
Season: dry
Cloud Cover:
Event Remarks:

Location Details

Country: Uganda
District: Kayunga
Subcounty: Kangulumira
Parish: Kalagala
Village: Mutukula
Plot Code: KP4
Location Description: grassland measuring 2-3 acres, underneath which is compacted earth, no trees, a few shrubs and dominated by a mix of grasses and herbaceous vegetation. area is flat, surrounded by homes, pineapple and banana gardens. used for grazing a few cattle. pesticide use in immediate vicinity very low or none
Landowner: Uganda Prisons
Latitude/ Longitude: 0.60203, 33.04667
Geodetic Datum: EPSG:21096
Location Remarks: one end of grassland is alongside a busy dirt road. location falls within a built-up area

Location Map


Displaying 1 - 1 of 1
Event ID Event Code Catalog Number Record Number Record Type Sampling Method Specimen Disposition Taxon Sex Identified By Date Identified
view E-8489 s4e59 8490 b6338 PreservedSpecimen hand netting in collection Lasioglossum (Ctenonomia) scobe female Alain Pauly